Wednesday, April 10

Adding Sugar to Water

Introduction to adding sugar to water:

Sugar is a crystalline carbohydrate. It comes from sugarcane. It is sweet in taste. When added to the water, the sugar particles break down into smaller pieces. These small particles then arrange themselves together with the water particles and form a liquid solution..Sugar particle will no longer be visible with our naked eyes.

Sugar is soluble in water. When you add sugar to water and dissolve it volume of water before sugar is added is lesser than the volume of sugar in water. When we add sugar to water, the sugar crystal dissolves and it goes into the solution. Infinite number of sugar cannot be dissolved in a fixed volume of water. When as much sugar is dissolved, the solution is called saturated solution. The saturation point is different at different temperature .more sugar is held in a water, if the temperature is higher.

Adding sugar to water:

The size of the sugar crystal increases by the following process

1) Add sugar to the boiled water and stir it., till it dissolves.
2) Pour the solution in a jar and cover it with a waxed paper.

3) Dip a cotton string in a sugar solution, take it out, and dry it for few days.

4) The string after drying should be suspended in sugar solution and left undisturbed for seven days. at the end of seven days ,we will see that the size of a sugar crystal has grown in size with sharp edges and smooth faces. Dissolve more sugar to water on heating. by this solution becomes supersaturated. And the process of crystallization begins, once the heated solution cools down.

Explanation to adding sugar to water:

Add a pinch of sugar to water and feed a plant. That has wilted. And is not watered for a few days. the sugar helps the plants to get back to normal quickly. But this doesn’t always work. If the amount of sugar in the soil becomes too high, it promotes a higher incidence of fungi and bacteria. A typical fungus that thrives on sugar is yeast. Excess amounts of yeast causes an increase in the risk of an infection to plants and humans.

Thursday, April 4

Planet With Largest Moon

Introduction to planet with largest moon:

A solid heavenly body that revolves around the planet is called its natural satellite or its moon. For example, moon is the natural satellite of the earth because it revolves around the earth. Moons do not have their own light. They reflect the sunlight falling on them and therefore, appear shining. Except Mercury and Venus, all planets have their own  moons. In general, moons are much smaller than the planets. We can see the earth’s moon by unaided eye. The other moons of other planets were discovered after the invention of astronomical telescope and a large number of moons were discovered only after the spacecraft flew past them. The different moons have different features; some of them are earth’s like moon having large number of craters. Some of the asteroids have moon also. The asteroid IDA has also a moon. The planet Saturn has largest moon named as Titan.

Largest moon with planet:

Saturn is the second largest planet of our solar system. Saturn is known as the Jovian planet, because its structure is like Jupiter. Voyager explore the Saturn in 1980 – 81. Saturn is the sixth planet of our solar system. Saturn is the only planet whose rings are visible form the earth’s based optical instruments. The rings of the Saturn are formed by particles of ice and dust revolving around the planet. The particles in the ring having size in nanometers to meters.

Characteristics of the Planet with largest moon:

The density of the Saturn is less than the density of water. The atmosphere of Saturn mainly contains hydrogen, helium and methane. Saturn has 62 moons at present. Out of 62 moons, 53 are well named. Titan is the largest moon of the Saturn. The atmosphere of Titan is nitrogen rich as like earth in early years. Saturn is flat at poles so that it rotates very fast on its axis. Saturn takes 10 hours 39 minutes to rotate on its own axis and 29.5 earth’s year to revolve around the sun. The wind blows at very high speed on Saturn. The size of Titan is more than the size of planet Mercury.

Wednesday, April 3

Negative and Positive Wires

Introduction to negative and positive wires:

Let us first discuss about electricity, which can pass through the wires. There are two types of current, one is called the alternating current, which is used, in electrical mains and the other is called direct current, which is used, in the car’s light and in the radio. Direct current is obtained by the battery.  Let us discuss the wires, which carry the electric current.

Types of Negative and positive wires

Generally, there are three types of the wires:

Positive wire,
Negative wire and
Ground wire

In case of direct current, the positive wire is the wire, which carries 120 V. Negative wire is the wire, which has about 0 V. Ground wire is actually connected to the ground. Negative wires should be at zero potential or close to zero potential. It is the central point between the two phases of the electrical service coming to your house from the transformer on the electrical pole. Positive wire is the wire, which supplies the electric current to the electrical appliance. It is supplied to the devices in your home through a set of circuit breakers or fuses in older homes. It is wired directly to the outlets, and goes to the permanently installed lighting through the permanent wall switches. There is a standard colors in house wiring are: positive wire is of red color, negative wire is of black in color and the ground wire is of green in color.

Conclusion for negative and positive wires

Some of the devices in our daily life have only two flat prongs, and some have the third, round grounding prong. The two-prong devices are typically low current, low-power devices like lamps, bulbs, clock radios, can openers and the like. The third prong generally appears on higher-powered devices: washing machines, vacuum cleaners, televisions, computers, leaf blowers, drills, etc. This is usually done for safety reasons. This is also, why miswired outlets are dangerous: if the neutral and hot are reversed, the appliance will work just the same. However, if the appliance fails, the 'stray' energy remains under the 'top' insulating layer (next to the user), Not in the bottom one, putting the user at much greater risk. In older tools with metal cases, the user would actually get electric shocks in this event.

Wednesday, March 27

Home Electric Power

Introduction to Electric Power:

Electricity or electric power is generated at place far away from where it is to be consumed. The electric power is transmitted over long distances at high voltage which is gradually reduced by using step down transformers to 230 V, at which it is supplied to our household. Before, the power lines are connected to the electric meter which records the units of electric power consumed, a fuse is connected. This is known as company fuse. I like to share this Basic Kinematic Equations with you all through my article.

The wires coming out of the meter are connected to a main switch. When the main switch is on, then only the house receives power. After the main switch another fuse is provided, known as the consumer’s fuse. The main switch is a double pole switch. It has iron covering. The iron covering is earthed. The switch and the meter are locally earthed. From the meter the connections are taken to the distribution board.

Elecrical power system types

There are two types of wiring system

1. The tree system

In this system, the connections are taken from the distribution board to different parts of the house, each connection resembling a branch of a tree. Each connection is taken through a fuse F. It should be noted that different connections are taken in parallel, so that when the fuse in one part blows off, the remaining parts are unaffected.

2. The ring system

The ring system consists of a ring circuit starting from the main fuse box, which contains a fuse of 30 amperes. For each appliance a separate connection starts from the live part of the ring and ends on the ring. Since the power rating of each appliance is known therefore, connecting wires of proper current capacity can be used for each appliance. This makes it less expensive. Each appliance is connected with separate fuse, so that one fuse blows off the other appliances in the same room continue to work.


To avoid this shock from the appliance, appliance is earthed. That is, we connect the metal case of the body to the earth which is zero potential. Besides the live and neutral wires, a third known as the earth wire is also provided.

Galaxy Definition

Introduction to galaxy definition:

We always observes that there are infinite numbers of stars in the sky. The question arises hat how are the stars distributed in the space. Astronomers have found that the starts are arranged in the huge groups. These groups are called the galaxies. The stars in the galaxy are held together by the gravitational attraction between them. Here we discuss about the galaxy.

A few points about Galaxy

Generally, a galaxy is the clusters of stars in the large amount. A component of the universe that has a huge group of stars and other celestial bodies bound together by the force of gravitation is called a galaxy. Apart from stars, a galaxy also has huge clouds of gases from which the new stars are born. A galaxy may have planets, moons, asteroids, comets and another celestial bodies. The number of stars in a galaxy can range about a million to hundred of billions. It is also estimated that there are over 100 billions galaxies in the universe and astronomers are discovering more every day. The galaxy in which our sun is located is called the Milky Way galaxy or Akashganga.

Types of galaxies

Galaxies have different shapes. Based on the shapes, mainly, three types of the galaxies are there, which are  Spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies. In a spiral galaxy the stars forms a big spiral pinwheel. The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy. In an elliptical galaxy the stars are confined mainly in ellipsoid volume. An irregular galaxy does not have any particular shape.

Conclusion to galaxy

Most of the stars of the Milky Way galaxy lie in the disc shaped region, this region is called the galactic disc. The central part of the disc is thicker and bulges on both the sides. The density of stars in the bulge is much higher than that in the outer region of the galaxy. Milky Way galaxy is a large galaxy. The diameter of the galactic disc is about 100, 000 light years and its average thickness is about 70 light years.

Electricity Generation From Water


Electricity can be generated from water in two methods; one is the method where we use the potential energy of the water in dams using the water wheels. The other source of energy is capturing the energy from the ocean waves. The energy generated by the water is a renewable energy, as we know that water is present abundantly in the nature and there is no consumption of water during the generation of electricity from the water. Most of the countries rely on this method that is production of electricity using water because it is a renewable energy resources and gives sustainable energy.  The energy generated by the water is termed as the hydro electricity.

Sources of electricity generation

Dams: In this case whenever a dam is built at the beginning itself the tunnels are built where the water flows and these tunnels are lined with turbines. As we let out the water to flow through these tunnels the water flows over the turbines which are lined along the tunnels.As a result these turbines rotate,and thus electricity is generated.

Ocean waves: The electricity generated from the ocean is known as ocean wave power because this energy is generated by the oceanic waves. This is the process where the tidal energy is used to generate the electricity, whenever there is a high tide on the sea shore or the oceans there is lot of energy in these waves which is converted into electricity by running of the turbines. The water from the tides is stored and then this water is left over the turbines which in turn produce the electricity.

Run of the river: This is process where the natural elevations on the rivers are made use to produce the electricity. In this case the water is made to fall on the turbines which are placed at the bottom of the elevation of the river, it can be a natural or a man made elevation on the river. Here also the turbine are used to produce the electricity.

Friday, March 22

Light Measurement

There are many different units for Light Measurements. Let’s first discuss some of them.

1. Candela (cd)- It is the unit of Lumen Measurement of a light source in a specific direction, also called as candle. This intensity is perpendicular to the direction of the surface of a black body.
2. Foot candle (fc or ftc)- It is a unit of intensity which used to measure in lumens per square foot.
3. Lux (lx)-  It is the unit of illumination which equals to one lumen/ square metre.
4. End Foot candle- This unit is a measurement which is based on the focused beam only. It is a focal beam measurement from point A to point B at one-foot distance.
5. End Lumens- This measurement is based on a spot of light.

6. Luminance- Also called as Luminous Flux which is the quantity of light leaves the lamp and measured in lumens (lm).
7. Luminous (Light Level): It is the amount of light measured on the work plane in the lighted space. Remember a work plane is an imaginary horizontal, tilted or vertical line where the tasks in the space are performed.
8. Beam Lumens- It is the total flux in that region of space where the intensity is more than 50 percent of the maximum intensity.
9. Lux- It is a metric unit of measure for illuminance of a surface. One lux = one lumen/ square meter= 0.0929 footcandles.
10. Light Level- It is the measurement of intensity on a plane at a specific location known as illuminance which is measured in footcandles.
11. Efficiency—the measure of the luminous efficiency of a radiant flux which is expressed in lumens/ watt is equals to efficiency.
12. Watt- It is a measurement of electrical power which does not relate to the output level and defines as the rate of energy consumption by an electrical device in operating stage. Watts= Volts x Amps x Power Factor (PF)

The wavelength is a length of a function period which shows the distance between any two points with the same phase and measured in meter light.  Let’s discuss; ‘How to Measure Wavelength of Light’? It can calculate either from the energy or frequency by using the speed and Planck constants. Remember the energy is typically expressed in electron volt (eV) units and the frequency is expressed in Hertz where one Hz equals 1/sec. Therefore the relation between velocity, frequency and wavelength can be written as follows;

Velocity of Light = (wavelength) x (frequency)(meters) x (cycles per second or Hertz)
= (3 x 108 m/sec)