Wednesday, April 10

Adding Sugar to Water

Introduction to adding sugar to water:

Sugar is a crystalline carbohydrate. It comes from sugarcane. It is sweet in taste. When added to the water, the sugar particles break down into smaller pieces. These small particles then arrange themselves together with the water particles and form a liquid solution..Sugar particle will no longer be visible with our naked eyes.

Sugar is soluble in water. When you add sugar to water and dissolve it volume of water before sugar is added is lesser than the volume of sugar in water. When we add sugar to water, the sugar crystal dissolves and it goes into the solution. Infinite number of sugar cannot be dissolved in a fixed volume of water. When as much sugar is dissolved, the solution is called saturated solution. The saturation point is different at different temperature .more sugar is held in a water, if the temperature is higher.

Adding sugar to water:

The size of the sugar crystal increases by the following process

1) Add sugar to the boiled water and stir it., till it dissolves.
2) Pour the solution in a jar and cover it with a waxed paper.

3) Dip a cotton string in a sugar solution, take it out, and dry it for few days.

4) The string after drying should be suspended in sugar solution and left undisturbed for seven days. at the end of seven days ,we will see that the size of a sugar crystal has grown in size with sharp edges and smooth faces. Dissolve more sugar to water on heating. by this solution becomes supersaturated. And the process of crystallization begins, once the heated solution cools down.

Explanation to adding sugar to water:

Add a pinch of sugar to water and feed a plant. That has wilted. And is not watered for a few days. the sugar helps the plants to get back to normal quickly. But this doesn’t always work. If the amount of sugar in the soil becomes too high, it promotes a higher incidence of fungi and bacteria. A typical fungus that thrives on sugar is yeast. Excess amounts of yeast causes an increase in the risk of an infection to plants and humans.

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