Showing posts with label Kinetic Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kinetic Theory. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3

Kinetic Theory

Kinetic Theory of Matter Definition : We Define Kinetic Theory as explanation which predicts the behavior of matter or motion of its particles on certain assumptions and observations.  The Kinetic Theory of Matter considers that matter is composed of very small particles or molecules which are always in motion. The Kinetic Theory gives the difference between the three elementary states of matter. This theory assumes that the matter is composed of small particles, particles are in constant or continuous motion.
Solid matter consists of particles which are so closely packed that they can vibrate only but cannot move.  In liquid matter particles are little far from each other but still close enough that the force of attraction that it takes the shape of container. The movement of the particles in liquid is confined in the volume of liquid. In gaseous matter the particles are free to move, they are very far from each other and have large kinetic energy. I like to share this Average Kinetic Energy Formula with you all through my article.

Because of the random movement, particles (liquid and gas) collide with each other and with the walls of container.  The collision between particles takes place without any change in net energy but exchange energy among them. Hence collision is perfectly elastic.
The movement of particles decides their kinetic energy through formula: KE=½mv2, m is mass and v is velocity of particle. This kinetic energy of particles decides the thermal energy or temperature of the matter. Temperature is actually the average kinetic energy of the particles of a matter.
Transfer of heat takes place from a matter of high temperature to low temperature. High temperature particles move or vibrate with high speeds and when they collide with nearby particle of less temperature (less KE), they exchange KE to them (hence increases temperature of neighbor particles). Now these particles start vibrating or moving fast and gives energy to their neighbor particles and so on. Hence thermal energy transfers from high to low temperature. So, kinetc theory explains the flow of heat by conduction which is flow of heat-energy through a matter. I have recently faced lot of problem while learning Activation Energy Formula, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Kinetic Theory of Gas says that a gas consist of large number of very small particles of same mass which move continuously and randomly with certain speed. These particles collide perfectly elastically with each other and with the walls of the container.  It explains the properties, temperature, pressure and volume of gas.
Pressure due to particles on walls=(Nm2)/(3V)
Temperature T= (m2)/(3kB)
Kinetic energy=½Nm2
is average velocity of particles, N is no. of gas molecules,V is volume, m is mass of molecules, kB is Boltzmann constant.