Sunday, June 9

White Light Interference

Introduction to Interference of white light:

The phenomenon of interference of light have proved the legality of light’s wave theory. Thomas Young successfully demonstrated his experiment on interference of light in 1802. When two or else more wave train acts concurrently on any constituent part in a means afterward the displacement of the particle at any instantaneous is due to the superposing of all the wave train. Also, after superimposing, the region of cross over, the wave train appear as if they have not interfered at all. Each wave train retains its individual characteristics. Each wave train behaves as if others are absent. This principle was illustrated by Huygens in 1678.

I like to share this Wave Theory of Light with you all through my article.

What is interference of light?

The interfering of light is the phenomenon of redistribution of light energy in a medium on account of superposition of light waves from two coherent sources. At the points where the resultant intensity of the light is maximum the interference is said to be the constructive one but the point where the intensity of the light is minimum the interference is named as destructive interference.

Interference of White Light

When the white light is used in interference, the center of the fringe pattern of the interference is white while the other fringes on both side of the central fringe in the interference pattern are colored shown in fig.1 because of the fringe width depends upon wavelength. The fringe width β is given by

`beta = (lambda D) / d`

Where λ is the wavelength of the light and D is the distance of the screen on which the interference pattern is observed from the slits and d is the spacing of the double slits.

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Conclusion for the Interference of White Light

From the discussion on interference of white light, we conclude that the above formula indicating the fringe width varies linearly with the wavelength apart from the central fringe, the fringes on both sides of the central fringe which is bright are colored and have a pattern of increasing width and at the end when the pattern reaches the red color of the white light, the fringe is very broad and no other fringe is observed after it.

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