Thursday, April 18

Kinds of Forces

Introduction to kinds of force:
Sir Isaac Newton was the first who gave an exact definition of force.He stated that :

Force is the external agency applied on a body to change its state of rest and motion.

There are four basic kinds of forces in nature. They are

Gravitational force
Electromagnetic force
Strong nuclear force
Weak nuclear force
Lets see a brief explanation of the different kinds of forces.

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Explanation of gravitational and electromagnetic forces:

Gravitational force:

It is the force between any two objects in the universe. It is an attractive force by virtue of their masses. By Newton's law of gravitation, the gravitational force between tow bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Gravitational force is the weakest force among the fundamental forces of nature but has the greatest large- scale impact on the universe. Among the basic force only gravity works universally on all matter and energy, and is universally attractive.

Electromagnetic force:

It is the force between charged particles for example the force between two electrons, or the force between tow current carrying wires. Electromagnetic forces for like charges is repulsive and for unlike charges is attractive. The electromagnetic force obeys inverse square law. It is very strong compared to the gravitational force. It is the combination of electrostatic and magnetic forces.

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Explanation of strong and weak nuclear forces:

Strong nuclear force:
It is the strongest of all the basic forces of nature. It, however, has the shortest range, of the order of 10-15 m. This force holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom.

Weak nuclear force:
Weak nuclear force is important in come types of nuclear process such as `beta` -decay. This force is not as weak as the gravitational force.

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